Hiking Boots: The More Retro the Better.
Back in the late 90’s my boyfriend (now hubby) wanted to climb Camel’s Hump with me. He used to work on the mountain and was an avid hiker. I had hiked, you know, a few times and mostly in sneakers. So, before the big day, I headed to an outdoor gear store and bought some hiking boots. They looked very much like the ones that Reese Witherspoon wore in Wild. You know, the brown leather ones with the red laces. I took them out of the box and slapped them on my hopeful feet on the day of our climb. I don’t have to tell most of you that I felt exactly like Reese looks in this photo about 5 minutes into our hike. The boots were heavy and stiff. I was getting blisters. I may or may not have whined most of the way, which was not really how I was planning to impress my new boyfriend.
Oh, Reese, I feel your pain.
In the end, I made it through the hike, got the guy and decided that the villain of the story was that evil pair of hiking boots.
For 20 years, not one pair of hiking boots has graced my feet. I had hiking sneakers and did plenty of hiking. But, the boots, were not for me. Until, this fall, when I woke up one day and needed a pair hiking boots. I was literally craving those red laces. They seemed to be the answer to all of my winter boot needs. I walk on icy sidewalks every day. I like winter hikes. And, for some reason, they just seemed really cute to me. Some of you may think that I am just dealing with personal demons here or possibly really late to the game on practical footwear. But, I know that at some point after combing through style blogs, fashion shows, and online browsing, my brain clicked and saw the writing on the wall: Vintage style hiking boots are a thing! Need convincing? Check out this article about the hiking boot trend or this one or this one.
Here is Gucci’s version of the hiking boot. The Flashtrek GG high-top sneaker with wool, $1390.
I checked local stores, online sites and finally found, not one, but two pairs of hiking boots with the red laces that I love.
The first pair are Kamik RogueHiker Winter Boots. They are best for everyday wear and were my way to ease into the trend. They are waterproof, leather, rate to -14 degrees Fahrenheit, and have a side zipper for easy on and off. These boots only run in whole sizes, so if you are planning to try them out, I would suggest buying your normal dress boot size. I usually order a size 10 in winter boots, so I have room for wool socks. The size 10s in these were way too big. They were clunky and felt wrong. I almost gave up on them, but decided to try again in a size 9. They are perfect.
See how perfect they feel…
The second pair I purchased were the Columbia Newton Ridge Plus Hiking Boot. I bought them at the Berlin Mall Shoe Dept. You can get them at DSW online or I would just keep an eye out at any of the local stores that carry Columbia. I am also just noticing that Urban Outfitters is selling them for $1o more than anywhere else. Hmmm.
This is a true pair of hiking boots. I bought them in a 9.5 and I put in a pair of drug store inserts for additional cushion. I have styled them with my nice jeans and slouchy wool socks. They pair best with all black or mixes of dark grays and army green. I am fully aware that this may seem super Vermonty. I think the key is to wear these boots with the unexpected. Wear them with your nicer pieces. Wear them with your city clothing. Don’t wear a head to toe hiking outfit unless you are actually hiking. The beauty will be in the contrast.
So, what do you think? Are you on board with this trend or do you think it is too played out here in Vermont? And, before you answer, take a moment and think about how many flannels you own. I own almost as many as I did during the grunge days and that is saying a lot.
Need help styling your boots (or anything else)? Book a session with me!
Love, Lisa and her happy feet
p.s. Follow my Pinterest board Vintage Hiking Boots Style for updates on boots and styling.